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JSHealth Quotes

16 February 2015
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“A rest body is a healthy one”

Many people ask me what my number 1 health tip is, and are often surprised with the answer – rest!

It seems we live in a society where we are expected to just go go go. Rest is considered indulgent, and people often feel guilty at the thought of taking a minute to just simply relax.

Taking a moment in your life to rest and recuperate could do wonders for your day-to-day life.

It will recharge your ability to deal with your commitments, your relationships and your overall health and wellbeing with MORE vigour and energy.

It’s a worthwhile investment of time, because the efficiency of a well-rested mind will make every area of your life more productive and joyful.

My advice?

Take 10 minutes out of your day for you – and simply rest.

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